The film: yr 9 practical assessment camera work: 1) include 8 different shots 2) include at least 2 different camera angles 3) include at least one camera movement sound: include at least 2 diegetic and one non-diegetic mise-en-scene: 1) one example of SFX make-up 2) realistic costumes/props that follow genre conventions editing: 1) continuity editing 2) fade to black/white 3) title 4) credits 5) CGI 6) soundbridge 7) jump cut/scare Actors: Dylan: victim 1 Dylan: victim 2 Dylan: zombie Dylan: chief director Dylan: chief editor Dylan: chief makeup Scene: Dylan and Dylan walk into a bar, ouch. Dylan: “but look” Dylan stares and shivers Dylan: “what’s wrong Dylan” Dylan: “a zombeeeeeh” Dylan: “holy sweet mother of Jesus and joseph and god of all above ahmen” Dylan zombie: “eeeeghhhhuuuuuug” Cinematic scene of zombie with epic rock music and explosions Dylan: “how do we kill it” Dylan: “wait, he might be o...
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